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Distribution for species Platyplax salviae (Schilling, 1829)

Note:  Distribution maps are often incomplete due to the workload of entering data.

BalearicIs.,England,Holland,Tunisia,Astrakhan,Caucasus,Syria,Turkestan(Slater1964);Iran(Linnavuori2007);Albania,Austria,Belgium,Bulgaria,Czech Republic,France,Germany,Greece,Hungary,Italy,Israel,Poland,Portugal,Romania,Russia,Spain,Switzerland,Yugoslavia,Algeria,Morocco,Turkey(Slater1964;Péricart2001);Bosnia,Croatia,Slovenia,Ukraine,Azerbaijan,Afghanistan,Armenia,China,Uzbekistan(Péricart2001)
Level 1 status: No data
Level 2 status:
Geographic levels    Land    Ocean
No data or not present land default; not present ocean default
Level 1 present TDWG level 1 land color TDWG level 1 ocean color
Level 2 present TDWG level 2 land color TDWG level 2 ocean color
Level 3 present TDWG level 2 land color TDWG level 2 ocean color
Blue shades locate oceanic islands
included in the distribution.

 Listing of geographic areas  

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